Tuesday, November 25, 2008
About me and how Hayley came to be!
It's along one!!
After almost 5 years of chasing the man of my dreams and almost giving up we finally got together in July of 2005. We were in a long distance relationship for a year until Miranda (4 years old at the time) and I mad the big move from Lakeview to Klamath Falls in July 2006. This move was hard on Miranda due to being away from Nani (my mom). We trudged through though, and it's been a rough ride but she is thriving now! That's a story for another time.
On Dec. 5, 2006, Dan proposed. I was at work and one of my coworkers, Debbie, brought be a 1/2 dozen red roses to my desk. My first thought was what the heck and who the heck are these from. I grabbed the card and I knew as soon as I grabbed the card to open and read it that is was the "day"! A ring was in the card and the card said, "Beth, I wan tto spend the rest of my life with you! I love you! Will you marry me?" Love, Dan. I started crying and Debbie said he's up there waiting for you. I ran up ther, hugged him and said yes!! It's history from there although it has been a whirlwind two years.
We planned on having a wedding in August of 07 in an outdoor ceremony; but, I was diagnosised with cervical cancer in February 07. So we moved the wedding up to May 07. Let's back up a few months. I had a cone biopsy in April 07. My gyno said she thought she got it all; but, was not positive. It was sent off to be check. The results came back that I had a very invasive cancer called, endocervical adenocarcinoma stage IBI. But the question was did my doc get it all? My prayers, my families prayers, my husbands prayers and Pastor Pete and his wife, Judy's prayers with us helped me get through all of this.
So I had MRIs, CT scans, and PET scan. I saw an oncologist in Portland, and basically he was an ASSHOLE!! He really didn't want to give us any choices. So when I had my MRI and CT scans they both came back clear, no malignancies. Hallelugah!! Praise God! So we (the oncologist and myself) sponk on the phone afew times. He said I should have a hysterectomy (no more babies, hell no) I knew in the bottom of my heart that the CANCER was gone! So I asked how accurate a PET scan is? He said they're good! So I have him a proposition, If, I get a PET Scan and it comes back clear can I get pregnant then go through with surgery.He said sure. So we did it, it came back no malignancies and margins are clear. So, we got married and got pregnant in October 07.
We went to the doctor, a new clinic to make sure I was indeed pregnant and yep sure was. 2 weeks. The doctor said "but" we need to talk! She took us into her office and to make it short told us we needed to abort this child or I was going to DIE because I have CANCER! I burst into tears Dan was crying too! She left us a lone for a moment and I told Dan there was no way in hell that I was having an abortion. So we left and I made an appointment with my ob/gyn.
This is getting long so I will be brief.
We had our appointment. She was scared for me; but, was ready to endure this as were we. She hooked me up with an oncologist and high risk ob/gyn up at OHSU. We had doctors literally every two weeks. One in Klamath then wait two weeks and go to Portland it was the longest 7 1/2 months ever!! And this was just to make sure the cancer wasn't spreading and to make sure my cervix wasn't opening. (That's because Dr. Burke took so much of it; so basically I had an incompetent cervix.) None of my doctors expected me to do so well. They didn't think I would carry her past 20 weeks. Well, I did!! We decided to watch my cervix and take the baby early and have my radical hysterectomy at 28 weeks. Obviously I wanted to wait longer if I could. So at my 26 week appt my cervix was fine. So we kept going YEAH!! No baby, no surgery for at least 2 more weeks. At 30 weeks I was still truckin' along everything was AWESOME! We decided to schedule surgery for June 9th. 34 weeks 5 days. What a trooper I am. But if anything happened from now untilk then directly to the hospital for me. Needless, to say we made it. We had Hayley Jo on June 9, at 5 + weeks early. She was a whopping 4 lbs 8 oz. My surgery went well and I recovered wonderfully. Test came back and I'm cancer free!! WHEW
Hayley was in NICU for 9 days due to her not being able to suck on a nipple for feedings. But with time and a little coaching from momma and dadda she was ready after 9 days!! WhaaaHooo!! We're going home! Is all I could say!
We are all healthy and thriving. Miranda is the best big sister anyone could have. Dan is a great daddy; but, could change more diapers. I am doing great.
Hayley weighs a whopping 14ish pounds. Here are the then and now pictures of her. AMAZING!!!

And to think that DUMBASS doctor wanted me to abort her! She is OUR little miracle!
I thank God everyday for the life he has given us!

Sunday, November 23, 2008
"All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go..."
"...and I'm leavin' on a jet plane." Not even sure I care which country, as long as it's not Russia, which is like looking directly into the US's future. Scared, pissed off, and terribly disappointed that our country elected this guy to run it into the ground.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Miranda started Girl Scouts!
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
I will do my best to be,
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place,
and to be a sister to every Girl Scout.
She started Girl Scouts in September and is a Brownie. She has meetings every other Tuesday and learns so much. The Girl Scout Promise and Girl Scout Law above she has to have memorized by the next meeting on Nov. 25th. WOW!! I think this has help us out tremendously in her behavior in school and around others. This will teach her to grow into a wonderful young lady! AND SHE LOVES it!! She will be selling the Girl Scout cookies soon...so if anybody want any let me know and I will get them for you and I will even send them to you if you live out of town!! What a nice person I can be! hehe:)
I will take a picture of her with her sash on when we receive it!
Hayley is 5 months old!!
What a change in just a day can make, Dan and I feel that she has started doing things that she should have done over a month period in one day!! I can't believe that she is already 5 months old (on Nov. 9th). She has started eating baby food and absolutely loves it!!, she like to talk (ooohsss, ahhs, singing) you know her own little verbage....I say she even says ma!! Haha wishful thinking but that's what it sounds like. She even has a little scream! I LOVE IT!! When I sing the ABC's to her she sings along. So So cute. Everything finally goes in her mouth!!
We are trying to get her to roll over. She can roll over from her tummy to her back but not from her back to her tummy yet!! It will come. My mom keeps telling me remember she was 6 weeks early so it will take a little longer for her to achieve things!! I know I know but I just want her to DO IT!! :)

Beginning with Halloween!!
Wow!! It has been awhile....sorry! In my busy life as a child care provider it's hard to sit down and type something so I will try my best to be better at it!! Emma YOU ARE GOOD!! LOL I don't think I could be as good of a blogger as you!! But you are my inspiration!
So we carved pumpkins on the Wednesday before Halloween and Hayley just didn't know what to think about the inside as you can see from the picture! Miranda still thinks it's gross...(and I didn't think she was girly girl???)

Miranda was a "Pretty Witch" and I did her make up for her. I think she was pretty excited! Hayley was a bear; but, I am a bad mother and didn't take any pictures because she slept the whole time! BUT, the bear is her winter outfit/cover when we go out in the freezing cold!! LOL So I will get a picture one of these days when she is wearing it!

We went trick or treating about a 1/2 mile from our house in the Gatewood community and I swear to you there were over 5,000 people in this area! WE WILL NOT GO THERE AGAIN!! :) Miranda received a lot of candy and will have it for a long time!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Weight Loss
Hi all.....just an update...I've only lost 5 pounds! It is so flippin hard! I am really going to try harder the next two months!
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