Wow, it's been awhile since I've blogged SORRY!!
So a quick update on my weight loss. I have lost 10 lbs. I don't feel like I have nor do I look like I have but that is what the scale says! haha I have dropped a pant size so I guess that helps.
The girls are getting big. Miranda received an award last week at school for achievement. She was proud as you can see in the photo.

Hayley is 6 months old already. I can't believe it. She now rolls over, almost sits up by herself and has her own little language that I pretend I know and understand! :)
We had family pictures taken about a week and a half ago. I have posted some.

We have decorated inside and outside for Christmas. I can't believe it is almost here but I am happy to say I have all my Christmas shopping done!! YEAHHHH
We are having Christmas Dinnner at our house with my mom and dad, Dan's mom and stepdad, Dan's dad and stepmom, Dan's sister Jen, Dan's Grandma Pat and hopefully my brother James and his girlfriend Kerri, oh and possibly Dan's Grandma Mary and Grandpa Don. So if all come we will have a house full. For sure there will be 11 of us! YIKES in my small house! haha
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!